
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Rainbows and Rain Boots

When it rains in Edmonton.... it pours. Then the sun comes out! Then it pours. Then the sun comes out! Then it hails.... and pours. And then more sun! 

Alberta weather tends to be some of the most unpredictable and we are all used to it.... but it sure does make for some pretty scenes. Icy cold winter mornings where the sun is shining so bright that the snow sparkles but one step outside reminds you that you are still in Canada. We also get a lot of sun showers. It could be raining like crazy but the sun is still shining and the air is warm. That is what happened on this particular day. 

We spent the evening doing errands. Running in between stores and the car trying to avoid wind and torrential downpour. It prompted me the buy the kids some new rain boots for the summer while we were out. It is one of those things that always slips my mind until it's too late. They picked out their own boots and both insisted on wearing them out of the store. By the time we got home it was sunny and beautiful! We were surprised with a double rainbow driving into our neighborhood and were gifted with some prime time for puddle splashing. 

Mrs. E

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