
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Brass & Baubles ~ San Francisco

If you've been to our home, you know that the walls and shelves are covered with memories and items collected from our travels. 

Every time we take a trip to a new city I make an effort to bring something back or put something together that reminds us of our time away. When we came back from my 30th Birthday trip to San Francisco, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I had come across this adorable pattern by Satsuma Street for a cross stitch version of the city. I had never completed a cross stitch project but knew I would be able to figure it out. 

It took me about a month to finish this project. Although it was time consuming it was really relaxing and completely worth it. I could not be happier with how it turned out. It is now a part of our home and a reminder of an amazing trip!

Mrs. E

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