
Friday, September 11, 2015

Sydney Anabelle ~ Kindergarten

We interrupt the excessive blog posts about Costa Rica to jump ahead to Sydney's first day of school!!!!!

On Tuesday, we packed her bag, dressed her up, gathered some strength and took Sydney to her first day of Kindergarten. She could not have been more excited and nervous. We got her all ready to go and dragged her outside for some obligatory first day of school photos. Once I had irritated her enough we all walked to the bus station so she could see what her day would look like once she started taking the bus. Then we said our goodbyes to Jennilyn and Henry and it was off to school!

We all lined up outside of the Kindergarten door and walked in to the boot room together. Sydney brought out her new indoor shoes and changed into them with a little nervousness. Once we were in her classroom she started to warm up. Before we knew it we were saying goodbye and we were off!

David and I went to a Hot Yoga class, showered and headed back top pick her up with a doughnut and some big hugs. Her first day went off without a hitch! I can't believe we are old enough to have a school aged kid!

One of the other things we did prior to sending her off was do a little interview with her. We will ask her the same questions at the end of the year and see how much her answers change. Here is the interview!

What is your favorite food?
~ PB & J Sandwich
What is your favorite color?
~ Purple/Pink
What is your favorite TV show?
~ Toopy and Binoo
What is your favorite drink?
~ Milk
What do you want to be when you grow up?
~ Nurse
What is your favorite sport?
~ Soccer
Who is your best friend?
~ Henry
What is your favorite fruit?
~ Blueberries/Strawberries
What is your favorite game?
~ Sorry
Inside or Outside?
~ Outside
Puzzles or TV? 
~ Puzzles
What is Mama's job?
~ To make money
What is Daddy's job?
~ To make money in a different place
Favorite Toy to sleep with?
~ Little Lamb
What is your favorite shirt?
~ Sparkle elephant one
What is your favorite movie?
~ Monster high
What is your favorite book?
~ The book with no pictures
What is your favorite treat?
~ Chocolate
What is your favorite toy?
~ Leap frog Computer
What is your favorite animal?
~ Cow
What is your favorite song?
~ Little Light (Yoga)
What is your favorite Holiday?
~ Halloween

Mrs. E

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