
Thursday, October 15, 2015

Yoga Teacher Training ~ Puerto Viejo

There is nothing better than finishing up a grueling program and taking the time to celebrate. 

On our last day of instruction at Yoga school we spent all morning in a three and a half hour yoga class taught my our peers that was so challenging it made me promise myself to take a yoga break when I got home. We wrapped everything up before lunch and headed back to our rooms to shower and get ready to go into Puerto Viejo which is the closest larger town to the Goddess Garden. 

We split up into groups and took taxi vans into town. The drive was about half an hour on some pretty bumpy unpaved roads and a little bit of paved highway. We were given free reign to run around town wherever we wanted to as long as we were back at our pick up location by 9pm. 

Karen and I were on a shopping mission. We went to a bunch of small shops and spent quite a bit of money before taking a break at a little dessert place called Bread & Chocolate where they make everything (including the chocolate) in house. It was amazing! After more walking and shopping we met up with everyone at Koki Beach for drinks and dinner. It was the perfect way to celebrate our last night together as a group and the ultimate release after two very challenging weeks. 

Mrs. E

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