
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Hugh's Nursery

Everyone knows that it gets harder and harder to stay on top of kid related things with each added kid. 

Baby #1 gets everything. You remember to log every milestone and their room is ready to perfection months before their arrival. Their first year book is done within a few weeks of them turning one and their first birthday party is planned to perfection. The second baby will have a cute nursery as well.... that was completed within weeks of their arrival. They will be the child with the most hand me downs and their firsts are lucky if they get written down. By the time the third baby comes you are lucky if anything is done before their arrival. You are frantically trying to finish last minute things before they are born and most of it ends up happening as that baby becomes part of your family.... this is what happened with Hugh's nursery. 

I knew I wanted to do something different for his room. I wanted something a little bit funkier and a lot more unique. I also wanted something that was fairly easy to put together. It started with the white and gold polka-dot wall. The dots are decals that I ordered online and David was nice enough to do the painting for me. The next step was to come up with some art work. The kids and I decided to frame some of our favourite Ikea wrapping paper in blue frames from Ikea and with that our punch of colour became blue and orange. Sydney and I worked on the fabric scrap mobile using scraps from my quilt stash and the garland was made the same way. The biggest project by far was covering up the old glider. It used to be a fairly ugly beige and I just couldn't look at it anymore. I had a bunch of graphic Ikea upholstery fabric left over from some previous projects that I knew would work perfectly. I wanted to re-cover it in a way that it could be uncovered for us to sell it later on. I sewed up some slip covers and it looks substantially better. 

With all of the pieces of the puzzle finished it was time to put it together. I could not be happier with how it turned out. It isn't a substantial change from when it was Henry's room, but at lease Hugh has his own space. 

Mrs. E

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