
Sunday, July 17, 2016

Postpartum Weight Loss

There is so much pressure on new moms to snap back into shape as soon as their baby is born. I felt an incredible amount of pressure to look a certain way after I had Sydney. I had just given birth to a 10 pound baby and my body had been through hell. All I could think about was the fact that I would never look the same again. I had gained 65 pounds and I felt like it would never leave.... but it did. It just took me an entire year to lose it. 

When I had Henry it was substantially more difficult to lose weight. I now had two kids to care for and time was at a premium. I had also gained 65 pounds with my second pregnancy and it took over a year to lose the weight. As soon as I lost everything, I got pregnant again. Two losses later I found myself holding on to quite a bit of extra weight. It wasn't until I started practicing yoga almost daily in preparation for Costa Rica that I started to get into shape. I left for teacher training holding on to an additional 15 pounds or so and when I returned I got pregnant again! Little Hugh was totally worth the 65 pounds I gained.

As my pregnancy rolled on I could not wait to get back to my old self. As soon as Hugh was born I started watching what I ate. I gave myself one week to eat what I wanted to (mostly out of survival) and then I jumped right on track. I really don't feel any pressure this time to lose the weight. I am more excited to be able to go for a run again and feel healthy and strong. I am also SUPER excited to be able to fit into some of my old clothes! I am loosely following the 21 Day Fix portioning system and returned back to hot yoga two weeks ago. Here is my progress so far....

One Week Postpartum: -20lbs

Two Weeks Postpartum: -25lbs

Six Weeks Postpartum: -35lbs

Mrs. E

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