
Monday, July 4, 2016

Sydney Finishes Kindergarten

Where did this year go!?!?!?!?

Sydney has successfully completed her first year of elementary and is on her way to grade one next year! I honestly felt like I aged at least five years when Sydney started school. There is something about having a kid in school that makes you feel older. 

In the past year she has matured so much. She has learned an astonishing amount of new information since September and has made a new set of friends. Syd's french has gotten so much better and she has become pretty confident in speaking french in class. We have been working on reading and writing and she loves practicing her math skills. 

Throughout the year her teacher Mme. Stephania was incredible. She was so supportive of the kids and really connected with Sydney. We will miss her over the summer but will see her in the new year. To say thank you to her teacher, Syd and I made a cute little mason jar apple filled with smarties and paired with with a homemade card and a gift card. 

To celebrate her last day of school David and I picked her up and took her for frozen yogurt. It was the perfectly sweet way to wrap up the year. Congratulations Sydney!

Mrs. E

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