
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

An Interview with Sydney ~ End of Kindergarten

I had every intention of posting this as soon as kindergarten was done.... but I had a baby.

I finally found the time to do an end of school yer interview with Sydney. We had asked her these same questions at the beginning of the year and wanted to see how her responses would change over the duration of the school year. Getting straight answers from her was challenging... but I think it's fun to look back on her responses. If you would like to look back at her original interview, go HERE

What is your favorite food?
~ Tacos
What is your favorite color?
~ Purple/Dark Blue
What is your favorite TV show?
~ Toopy and Binoo
What is your favorite drink?
~ Apple Juice
What do you want to be when you grow up?
~ Police Officer
What is your favorite sport?
~ Hockey
Who is your best friend?
~ Poppy &; Arassay
What is your favorite fruit?
~ Strawberries
What is your favorite game?
~ Busy Town Board Game
Inside or Outside?
~ Outside
Puzzles or TV? 
~ TV
What is Mama's job?
~ Keeping the house clean and the books organized. Getting the house ready for guests.
What is Daddy's job?
~ Working at ATCO Pipelines
Favorite Toy to sleep with?
~ Unicorn
What is your favorite shirt?
~ Navy blue chevron dress
What is your favorite movie?
~ Beauty and the Beast
What is your favorite book?
~ The Pirate Book
What is your favorite treat?
~ Lollipops
What is your favorite toy?
~ Leap frog Computer
What is your favorite animal?
~ Elephants
What is your favorite song?
~ McDonalds. Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pizza Hot song
What is your favorite Holiday?
~ Halloween

Mrs. E

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