
Friday, February 17, 2017

Revel Canyon City Marathon ~ Boston Qualifier

Most people don't know that the entire reason we planned a trip to LA was for David to run in a Boston qualifying race. 

It all began when he started looking for qualifying races that looked like fun and it expanded from there. The took place in a city called Azusa. It is about an hour away form where we were staying in Anaheim, so on the Friday night before the race I drove David up to Azusa to stay overnight close to the race site. 

On race morning Dave was up well before dawn to be shuttled to the start line at the top of the mountain. The temperature was super cold so runners had to wear layers at the start line and drop clothes as the temperature increased. It involved a lot of planning on Dave's part.

Back in Anaheim the rest of us got packed up and hit the road to Azusa. The kids made signs for their dad and we picked a prime spot to watch at the finish line. The race had organized live timing so we had been tracking David all morning. I knew he was on track but when his 5km to go time came through, I knew that he had blown it out of the water. I started freaking out and counting down the minutes until we would see him round the corner to come into the finish line. 

I can't even begin to explain the excitement when we saw him come around the corner. We all knew that he was going to break three hours! You could tell immediately that David was beyond happy. It was the perfect moment. 

Meeting up with David at the finish line was pure joy....

His official finish time was 2 hours 59 minutes and 28 seconds. AMAZING!

The kids were so proud of their dad and his massive accomplishment. He had trained for two long years for this moment and it couldn't have been better. 

The long walk back to the car was a little bit painful for David....

The rest of the afternoon was spent eating greasy fast food to refuel, sitting in the hot tub at our Anaheim house and enjoying every minute of being a Boston qualifying runner. 

Mrs. E

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