
Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Ubud, Bali ~ A New Daily Routine

Establishing some sort of a routine. 

We knew when we planned this trip that we would try to establish some sort of a routine in each location. The kids really thrive on a bit of structure and to be honest, we do to. The new routine is simple. I wake up at 6am and head to my morning practice. Dave gets up with the kids at around 8am and I get home shortly after. We do breakfast and then most mornings we hit the pavement to either run an errand or go explore before it gets too hot. Then it's back to the house for some pool time to cool down and lunch, followed by a nap for Hugh (and sometimes the older two) and homeschooling. The evenings are for dinner, occasionally another walk and some down time before bed.

On this particular day we woke up and headed out the door to explore one of the streets near us and maybe locate the doctor to check on Henry's monkey bite. The kids are adapting really well to walking everywhere and love checking out small shops and side streets. 

We managed to hunt down the clinic for Henry and in a quick conversation with the doctor we were told that it looked fine but if we really felt we needed to , we could start him on a full course of antibiotics and rabies shot... we opted out.

We stopped in to a store called Flipper where the sell really nice Flip Flops. Sydney and I had been struggling with blisters and a good shoe shopping expedition was in order. We each got a pair of beautiful sandals for about $13 each.

At this point it was around 10am and beginning to get really hot. You know what that means... ice cream! I am a true believer that it is never too early for ice cream, especially delicious local gelato with amazing flavours. A few of the available options included durian, dragonfruit, honeycomb, charcoal and bamboo, coconut and more. So delicious! And check out the view from the ice cream shop!

Back at the house we hit the pool and had some lunch before settling in for some pool school. Keeping the kids from getting distracted can be tough some days, but they are doing really well and are actually quite motivated to get work done. Henry is already working on learning to read!

To say that we love our little life in Bali would be an incredible understatement I highly recommend coming here. It is well worth the trip. 

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