
Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Ubud, Bali ~ Day One

The beauty of Bali is undeniable. 

Since landing on this island, we have fallen head over heels in love. The people, the heat, the sights, the experiences. It's all so incredible and exotic. We spent the first day in Ubud settling in to our new home and surroundings. Unpacking clothes, taking our first dip in the pool and heading out to explore the town.

We knew we wanted to get the kids into a bit of a routine as soon as we could start to create a day to day life here. So one of the first things we did was go for a walk to central Ubud. It is only about a kilometer and a half into the main hub of town but we really wanted the kids to get used to commuting by foot in the heat. 

We stopped by the lotus temple to take a few photos and we were shocked by the hidden beauty behind the store fronts of the town. You see, most of Ubud's beauty is tucked down back alleyways and behind the scenes. You could come around the corner in an alley and run into a stunning, huge temple or a great hidden restaurant. 

The kids began to get hot and it was getting close to lunch, so we swung into Soma for some smoothies and food. It was a super adorable open air restaurant with great music and energy. We sat in one of their "booths" which was japanese style floor seating on a raised platform. henry said it felt like we were in a tree house. 

After lunch we walked to the supermarket for our first stock up on food. We plan on cooking as many of our kown meals as we can here to help alleviate some of the cost. To say that it was an adventure trying to decide what to gbuy would be an understatement. We managed to fill a cart and then hailed a taxi back to the villa for a nap and a lazy evening. 

There are photos of our day below and even our first Youtube video! Please head on over to the channel (Flying Five) to subscribe to get notifications when we post a new video. Look forward to hearing from all of you in the comments section! 


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