
Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Ubud, Bali ~ Potty Training in Paradise

There is a huge difference between vacation and living on the road. You can see it in our daily activities and how we choose to save/spend our money... and in the aspects of daily life that you just can't get away from. 

One of the things that we knew we would have to tackle while we were living away was potty training Hugh. He is still a little young but we started training all of the kids around two and a half years old. He seems ready to learn and we have more than enough time to work with him while we are away. But potty training in paradise has it challenges. 

With the older two kids we went for the three day, cold turkey method. Locked ourselves in the house and got it done quickly. In Bali we didn't have that luxury. We were always out exploring and we didn't have any cleaning supplies to deal with any potential messes. So we began working on the long method. Sitting him on the potty when we had a moment and bribing him with treats. 

At first he hated it. He would fight every time we put him on the potty. Then we started bribing him with paw patrol while he sat. Once we worked past that, it was on to an oreo every time he did his business on the potty. So far it is going pretty well! He wears pull ups and we do our best to encourage him to use the bathroom instead of the diaper. We are really hoping to have him fully trained when we get to India. We will be in one location for a longer period of time and it will be so much easier to get into a bit of a routine with it. Send positive potty training vibes our way!


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