
Friday, November 9, 2018

Ubud, Bali ~ Wood School Tour

This is going to be one of those blog posts where you are almost better off to watch the video and then check out the photos below. There are so many incredible things I could say about the Wood School in Ubud, Bali... but I think we summed it up in our little vlog. 

We are so grateful to be able to tour an education facility that is really what dreams are made of. The perfect mix between conventional and unconventional schooling with the ability for kids to really explore their own interests as well. It is almost like our family in a way. Dave on the more conservative side of things and me.... total tree hugging hippie. Check it out and let us know what you think. Have you ever looked into alternative schooling for your kids? Maybe you should. (Not that I am saying that Canada doesn't have a fantastic education system... because we do and our teachers rock.)


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