
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

22 Weeks

Week: 22
Weight Gained: I don't even want to talk about it....
Belly Button: Still in and shallow
Cravings: Anything with salt. I Know it's not good for me but it's all I want!
Sleep: Very tough. I am using a sleep wedge pillow and I now rely on a pillow between my knees to keep my hips from aching.
Best Moment of the Week: I have two. Meeting our fabulous OBGYN (she is one of my new favourite people) and waking up on Saturday morning to find David playing some Frank Sinatra for the baby on our IPod
Worst Moment of the Week: Staying home sick on Wednesday because I couldn't move. I somehow managed to throw my back out sleeping.
Thoughts from Dad: "I wonder what you are going to be like? Are your kicks into your mothers stomach artistic dance steps, athletic movements or are you just impatient and trying to kick your way out? Maybe I am the impatient one and just want to know what you are going to be like?

This week was a little bit of a rollercoaster. We had such a great time meeting the OB and David is really starting to get very attached to Baby E. On the other hand, I have been having a very hard time with sleep and my joints and back have been killing me. I think that I am starting to feel the extra weight that I have gained in the last five months.

I have been super busy with the Minerva Foundation Dinner and the Run For the Cure this past week. I am starting to notice that I don't have as much energy to do all of the things that I would like to do. Thankfully all of my charity events will be done next week.

We are continuing to work on the nursery and have begun reorganizing the rest of the condo. We are hoping to clear out as much space as possible so that we have room for all of the extras that will come with Baby E.

We have a busy week this week but I will try to update when possible.


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