
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

23 Weeks

Week: 23
Weight Gained: I don't really know anymore
Belly Button: Still shallow and still an "innie"
Cravings: Plain spaghetti noodles
Sleep: With the aid of a million pillows that are strategically placed
Best Moment of the Week: Baby E's clothes arrived from Old Navy... Yay!
Worst Moment of the Week: Pretty much the entire week. There was far too much stress and I took on way too many things at once.
Thoughts from Dad: "Stop tap dancing on your mom's bladder. I'm tired of making bathroom pit stops."

If I had to choose one word to describe this week, it would be stressful. I am in the middle of planning two major charity events that are happening in the next week and it is just too much. Everybody keeps telling me to calm down, but the more they tell me I need to slow down the more frustrated I get and my stress level increases.

Luckily everything will be over by Monday and I have a massage booked for Tuesday.... The countdown to relaxation begins.


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