
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Full Time Work and Pregnancy

I have been having a really hard time with motivation lately. I have been so exceedingly tired and haven't really wanted to do anything other than work on our condo and the baby's room. I have been finding it harder and harder to leave the house in the morning when all I want to do is get to work on a stack of projects that have been waiting for me for some time now.

I am not complaining about having to work full time through my pregnancy.... most women do and I never expected to do otherwise. I just never expected it to be this hard.

David can see that I am really struggling lately and I know it is hard for him to watch me go through it. We are hoping that this is just a phase and we will get through it soon.

We have started working on the baby's room which is helping me keep busy. I am really enjoying the time that we are spending with each other working on such an important project. It is great to do something together that we are both so passionate about. We can't wait to finish the room! It is going to look so great when it is finished.

I guess I just have to get through the work days so that I can come home and see my husband and we can work towards our future together.

Here's to a more motivated, productive day tomorrow!


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