
Friday, September 10, 2010

Progress on the Nursery

We have been busy little bees in the Eliuk household... I have officially started nesting people! This means that I am creating a lot of work for myself and a lot of work for David [sorry hubby:)].
We have officially begun working on the nursery. We are obviously going to go with a gender neutral theme and in keeping with our favourite color scheme, green and brown, we have decided to go with a woodland creatures theme.

We have packed up all of the bedding from the spare bed and leaned the mattresses up against the wall. This means that my dad no longer has a bed to sleep in when he comes to visit [sorry dad!]. Last night we took apart the desk and started cleaning out some of our old files. We posted our computer monitor on Kijiji last night and this morning I had a million emails in my inbox requesting it! We also posted our wireless keyboard and mouse and a few leftover vases from the wedding last summer. Hopefully we get a few hits on the other ads and we can start clearing things out.

This weekend we will be in full swing and hope to have most of it cleared out so we can start painting.... YAY! I also purchased a decal from Etsy that will become part of the room. Here are a few of the items you can look forward to seeing in the room once it is complete:

Can't wait to see it all put together!


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