
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Backordered.... Ack!

I thought that we would somehow be the only people on the planet to actually get our furniture order on time.
Yesterday I received an email saying that the chair that we had order last week was going to be here today! David confirmed that they stopped by the House while we were away today and we will have them drop it off tomorrow.... Yay!
Our Crib and Dresser are a whole new issue. My mom just forwarded me an email saying that the crib has been backorderd to the end of next week..... ok I can handle that. No big deal. But then I read further... the dresser is backordered until December 31st! Eeeek! We did not plan on using the closet in the nursery for Baby E. Everything in the closet has been organized into a storage space for race gear and crafting supplies. If this thing doesn't get here stat we are going to be changing this kid on the floor and clothing it out of a box!
Don't worry, this is only a mild panic attack. I am sure it will miraculously show up earlier than they quoted.... that happens sometimes... right?!?!
Oh man.... well for now I will just go to my prenatal class tonight, pray that this baby does NOT come early and hope that the furniture turns up before Christmas. *Sigh*

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