
Sunday, October 24, 2010

26 Weeks

Week: 26
Weight Gained: Another 8 lbs in the last month.... I won't tell you what the total is now.
Belly Button: About to pop! It is barely holding on.
Cravings: Skim milk and Mexican food... still the same.
Sleep: Crap. I cannot sleep at all anymore. I thrash around all night and I have a really tough time getting comfortable at all.
Best Moment of the Week: David and I were able to see Baby E kick for the first time. It is getting so strong!
Worst Moment of the Week: Getting stuck with 10,000 other people trying to get home when the LRT went down on Thursday.
Thoughts from Dad: "It has been a very interesting week for your mom and I. It has not been easy but trust me when I say that everything we are doing is only to make things better for your future and ours. I am also learning, after only one class, that prenatal classes are more for clueless dads like me and not so much for moms since they know everything already."

This week was busy. Between doctors appointments, prenatal classes and yoga it has been pretty non-stop. We are busy preparing for the changes that we will be facing once Baby E arrives in January.

This week we ordered the crib, the dresser, the crib bedding and the rocker/glider. It should be non-stop deliveries for the next couple of weeks and we cannot wait! Our goal is to have the majority of the nursery set up by December 1st so that we do not have to worry about it over the holiday season.

Physically I have been having a tougher time. I have started having an incredibly hard time sleeping and it is starting to wear on me. I have also started having quite a bit of hip pain and sciatic nerve pain on my left side. The only thing I can do to help any of the pain is to keep moving and stretching. Hopefully it will ease up soon.


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