
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Surviving Regular Yoga

Tonight I dragged David along with me to a regular Hatha class at Yogalife. I was so nervous about attempting to keep up with a class of non-pregnant women. It was a lot harder than my prenatal class but I think it was good for me. I know how to adapt the postures to make them comfortable for myself and having David there helped me feel a lot less self-conscious.
David was the only man in the class and I was the only pregnant woman and we did great! After class all of the other women were asking me how I was feeling and I got a lot of comments on how impressed they were that I was still practicing yoga.
I am so excited about finding something physical that I can do! I have been feeling the urge to go for a run or bike ride lately and I really think that going to yoga on a regular basis will help.

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