
Friday, November 26, 2010

31 Weeks

Week: 31
Weight Gained: 35 pounds
Belly Button: Flat
Cravings: Milk! And anything that will calm my heartburn.
Sleep: Tough and really inconsistent. I am awake constantly and now I am getting leg cramps!
Best Moment of the Week: Going to my HR Maternity leave session at work!
Worst Moment of the Week: Leg cramp.... for sure.
Thoughts from Dad: "I am getting excited for things to come."

This week has been fairly uneventful. We have been in the process of preparing for Christmas and it is taking up most of our time. I have been baking up a storm and we managed to set up the Christmas decorations on Wednesday. The house is finally coming together!

For some reason, we have both been super exhausted this week. We have been really crappy about attending yoga and we have decided to be as anti-social for the time being because we have so much coming up. On the plus side we have established a new Saturday morning routine that we are both really excited about. We are starting to realize that we don't have much one on one time left and I think we both started to panic. So every Saturday morning we wake up, have breakfast in bed, go to yoga (David does the hot class while I hang out with the prenatal yoga ladies) and then we go for a nice quiet lunch after. It is a nice excuse to catch up on our week and spend some quality time together.

Baby E is doing great as far as I can tell. We still have our morning dance parties in the belly and every time there is music on this kid goes nuts! As of this week the baby can also see light and all 5 senses are developed. It is still head down and to the left and feet up and to the right so I get a lot of kicks in my ribs.

We have the Grey Cup on Sunday so I will try to update with some more photos.

More soon!


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