
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Calf Cramps and Christmas Gifts

Last night, David and I were introduced to the wonderful world of muscle cramps as a result of pregnancy. I woke up in the middle of the night with the most excruciating pain in my right calf. Now... I consider myself to have a fairly high pain tolerance... this made me feel like I was going to puke and actually made me start crying. Nothing we did made the pain go away and I couldn't move from the position I was in.

Looking back on it now I can laugh. In the middle of clutching my leg and crying all I could think was "I have to go pee!". David had to half carry me, half help me hop on one leg to get to the bathroom.... pleasant. I was told that it could be dehydration, potassium deficiency of calcium deficiency (it is definitely not a calcium issue since I drink a mountain of milk on a daily basis).

Aside from calf cramp issues and strange middle of the night aches, pains and pee breaks, we have been very busy. Our first major Christmas event is on December 4th and we have been prepping like crazy! I have been in full on baking mode and David has been trying to maintain a clean house.

In the midst of all of this we still have to do all of our Christmas shopping. I know that we have a month until the big day but we have a dinner or Christmas event every Saturday and Sunday for the next four weeks! We have to be ready well in advance. I still have to pick out a gift for our friends gift exchange and our family one and so does David..... yikes!

Hopefully we can get everything ready in time!



  1. Ykes! Hopefully the muscle cramps don't become a common occurrence!

  2. I remember those cramps. Next time try pointing your toes up towards your knee. It seemed to break that strangle hold for me anyway.

    Love to you all
    Auntie Julie
