
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Grey Cup 2010

So I have officially survived the Grey Cup! When we decided to go to Canada's version of the Superbowl I was a little bit concerned. I knew I would be huge at this point and bordering on uncomfortable but I had no idea how bad it would be.
I was one of two women in a group of 12 who went to the game and I was so nervous. I was terrified of getting to the game and getting home and having big crowd anxiety. We parked the car super early and took the park and ride bus to the game. It was relatively quiet because we were over an hour early and the line-up to get in was not bad at all. I managed to go for one pee break before the game started and I didn't pass out on the long walk up to our seats.
Although it was cold we came well prepared. The boys kept me happy with a steady stream of Hot Chocolate and it was a great game. I only had to hike down all of the stairs for one more pee break the entire time! David and I left the game with about three minutes left to avoid the crowd and we were home by 8:30p. It was perfect.
Here are the few photos we got of the game before our camera died:


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