
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Countdown Begins...

I am officially counting down to my Maternity leave starting today. I am way too excited to wait any longer and it is starting to feel so much closer! I only have 23 days left until I am on Christmas holidays for a glorious week and a half and if all goes to plan, I only have 58 days until my due date and last day of work! I am nervous that this part of my pregnancy will start to feel like it is taking forever but I can't help but start the countdown anyway.

I am also getting really excited about Christmas. We have so much happening this month and our first Christmas dinner is this Saturday. This month should fly by and then all of a sudden it will be time for us to pack our bags and head down to Lethbridge for some quality family time and well deserved relaxation.

Progress on our Christmas To Do list is going well. We have figured out what we are buying for everyone and have begun to pick everything up. I have made an excel spreadsheet with everyone on it and their corresponding gifts.... I know it's lame but nowadays I cannot trust myself to remember things.

Who else is starting to get in the Christmas spirit...... I am!



  1. Don't worry Steph, my christmas list is on the fridge. And after dropping my car off for a service appointment it took me a good few minutes to figure out why it wasn't in my driveway. I'm impressed you're going to work up until your due date. I'm thinking of bailing out of work 4 weeks early.

  2. Haha! This made me laugh so hard! I think I actually locked the keys in the car about 5 times in the first half of my pregnancy.... I swear, if my head wasn't already attached.....
