
Sunday, December 12, 2010

33 Weeks

Week: 33
Weight Gained: 41 Pounds!
Belly Button: Flat
Cravings: Christmas baking and Root Beer!
Sleep: Super crappy still. My hips and legs are super sore all the time so I have a really hard time sleeping in one spot for a long time.
Best Moment of the Week: Seeing Baby E in the Ultrasound on Monday. It is getting so cute and chubby!
Worst Moment of the Week: Starting to feel really heavy and useless. I am really looking forward to some time off.
Thoughts from Dad: "Is blown away with what the ultrasound can show us.  Heart, kidneys, bladder, even your two little leg bones are crystal clear.  Cant wait to see the rest of you in person."  "PS.  Stop kicking mom, every time you do she gets mad at me because it makes me laugh when you do."

I am really starting to feel super heavy and done. As much as I love feeling Baby E move, all of the movements are really starting to hurt because there is no room to move. My ribs are super sore and I am starting to get random shooting pains.

This week we also found out how big our Baby is.... It is absolutely massive! Although I am really glad that we have such a healthy baby it does make me nervous. I am really nervous about the prospect of an early induction or an emergency c-section.

The last two weeks have also been very busy for us. We have been in full Christmas mode and we are really looking forward to slowing down sometime soon. After this weekend we should be able to spend some more time relaxing. We are really looking forward to it..... 9 days of work left!


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