
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Nesting My A**

So apparently at this point I am supposed to get the need to clean. I am supposed to be entering the "nesting" portion of my pregnancy. Call me crazy but I do not exactly feel like coming home from a full day at work and cleaning my house top to bottom. I am not saying that it is messy or hasn't been cleaned.... I am just not getting that overwhelming need to do everything at once.

For the entirety of this pregnancy David has been amazing. He has helped keep the house clean and often makes us dinner because I just can't be bothered to get off of the couch. I have no idea what it would look like if it weren't for him..... probably a complete and utter disaster zone. I honestly did not think that David could get any more amazing and supportive... until today.

He has discovered that our work benefits will pay for the cost of house cleaning! People! This is incredible! My husband is encouraging me to call in cleaners before the new year to clean our house top to bottom so that I don't have to do it! Oh man.... I am one very round, very happy lady. Thank goodness I have him.



  1. So that you don't have to do it.......Ha nice try. It is so that I don't have to do it

  2. Lol the truth comes out.......
