
Monday, December 13, 2010

Done and Done!

This past two weeks has been an insane combination of cooking and entertaining for friends and family and attending family Christmas functions.

Some of you may know that David and I are on a three year Christmas rotation. We rotate between my Dad's house in Lethbridge, my Mom's house in Phoenix and David's parent's place here in Edmonton. It is great to mix things up every year but it also makes for a busy month of December.

We always try to get in all of our gift exchanging and Christmas dinners before everyone goes their separate ways. This year, we held our annual Eliuk Friends Christmas dinner last weekend and dinner with my family this weekend. That meant that I had to cook two full turkey dinners while very pregnant.

Last weekend we had an incredible time. We served up for 14 of our friends and managed to fit everyone around our giant table. It was so much fun to have everyone in the same room and we had a great night of food and wine and a fun gift exchange. David had won a turkey for that dinner to I somehow managed to fit a 28 pound turkey into our roaster and oven! It was truly impressive. Here are a few photos from the dinner:

The Meal

Huge Legs from the 28 Pound Turkey

Enjoying the Meal

Dessert... Yum!

Opening Gifts

The Tired Hosts

Last weekend was also David's aunt's potluck Christmas dinner. It was great to catch up with everyone and settle in to a nice Sunday meal. I literally ate myself sick and had to go lay down.... I really have to learn when to say no more.

This weekend was insane. On Thursday we were off to the Butterdome craft sale to pick up some last minute gifts. Friday was dinner with a friend and then we were off to the Oilers game (we lost.... booo). Saturday evening we were at David's parent's house for our gift exchange and dinner with his family. We had a great time giving everyone their gifts. We managed to get a few unique items this year so it was fun to finally be able to give them out. Last night was our last big Christmas event in Edmonton. We had my family over for our gift exchange and I put together my second full turkey dinner of the year. The 16 pounder turned our perfectly and everyone had a blast opening their gifts from each other. This is the first year that we drew names for our gift exchange and set it limit.... it was so much easier! When you come from a family of 5 kids, Christmas can get a little expensive. Here are a few photos from last night:

All together, it has been a great Christmas so far. We are officially done with all of the celebrating in Edmonton and we are on our way to Lethbridge next week. Only 8 more days of work! Can't wait!


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