
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Week: 34
Weight Gained: Over 40....
Belly Button: Sections of it are starting to pop out.
Cravings: Chocolate, Root Beer and spicy food.
Sleep: Almost non-exsistant. I am really struggling to stay comfortable and I am starting to have a hard time sharing a bed with David :(
Best Moment of the Week: Coming home to a spotless house on Wednesday after Dust Queen was in to clean. Everything looks brand new!
Worst Moment of the Week: It was a pretty rough week all around. I was out until 9p every night trying to get a few last minute things done and it was exhausting.
Thoughts from Dad:
I really can't believe how far we have come. I remember being worried about making it through the first trimester and here we are... with less than 45 days until we meet Baby E.
I am really starting to feel the physical effects of being so large. I am constantly tired. Heartburn, sore hips and sore back are all normal for me now. Everyone is starting to ask me how I am feeling and if I am ready to be done. Honestly.... I am ready to meet this baby.
We have started to think about the last minute items we need to pick up. We are putting together our final lists and starting to think about packing our hospital bags. It could all happen at any time.
Amongst all of our baby planning we have been working to finish up our last minute holiday planning. We have finished all of our Christmas shopping and we have managed to get all of the details wrapped up. The house is spotless and we cannot wait to start our vacation!

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