
Thursday, December 9, 2010

I Just Feel Off....

I am starting to feel really "off" lately. I can't really put my finger on it.... I am not sick and there is nothing wrong with me. I just don't feel like myself.

Last night when David and I got home, I ate dinner and went straight to bed. I couldn't sleep because Baby E was having some kind of aerobics class in my stomach, but I just needed to lay down and close my eyes. I think that if I had the option I would lay down and rest all day, every day until this kid comes.

I have also completely lost my motivation. When I have to wake up to get ready for work I am literally dragging my butt out or bed. Once I actually get to the office all I want to do is sit back and stare at the computer screen. I have no actual drive to get anything done. Good thing we are really slow right now or I would be in trouble....


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