
Saturday, January 8, 2011

37 Weeks... Full Term!

Week: 37
Weight Gained: 45 Pounds + 
Belly Button: Popping out a bit....
Cravings: Hot Tamales, Milk, Spicy Food, Chocolate
Sleep: I no longer sleep through the night. I doze off only to wake up in pain with numb hands.... awesome.
Best Moment of the Week: This week marked the first week of my Mat Leave! I didn`t have to go in on Monday..... Yay! Friday was also Davids birthday and it was fun to celebrate with his family. 
Worst Moment of the Week: There were several. It was not uncommon for me to wake up with David when he had to go to work and stay wide awake all day. No sleep for me.
Thoughts from Dad: "Ok my birthday is over you are allowed to show up whenever you want."
This week is a pretty big milestone for us. We have officially reached full term which means that we are now going to try everything we can to get Baby E out. I am really tired of all of the physical issues I am starting to have with this pregnancy and we both can`t wait to meet our bean. We will be eating tons of spicy food and walking a lot.
This week was also a really big week for David and I in terms of work. Tuesday was the first day that he went to work for his new job and I stayed home for my first day of Mat Leave. I have been struggling with being home alone all day but I have been working really hard to stay busy.
Nesting has started in full swing and our house is seeing the effects of my obsessive compulsiveness. I have been cleaning like crazy and cooking a million freezer meals for when Baby E comes.
David also turned 28 this week! He claims that it is now ok for the baby to come, but I think that if it had wanted to come earlier it would have.

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