
Friday, January 14, 2011

38 Weeks

Week: 38
Weight Gained: 45 Pounds + 
Belly Button: Popping out
Cravings: Cinnamon, Milk, Chocolate, Spicy Food
Sleep: I am actually starting to sleep a little bit better. I am having more pain in my hips but I am sleeping twelve hours a night.
Best Moment of the Week: We had a super quiet week. The best moments this week were actually every morning when I woke up and accomplished the tasks that I wanted to complete in the house.
Worst Moment of the Week: Being told that we are not progressing at all in terms of labour.
Thoughts from Dad: "I am really getting used to laying in bed with mom at night and holding my hands against you and feeling you move around inside of her belly.  So used to it that I am starting to think that I will be sad when I do not get to do it anymore, but that just means you will be here and I cant wait for that."

This week was relatively low key. We really didn't do too much and it was so nice. I spent the entire week cleaning and cooking.
I have managed to fill the entire freezer with meals for after the baby arrives and I have cleaned and organized most of the house. I am enjoying my time at home but I am starting to get a little bit lonely. I can't wait to have a companion with me at home....
David had a long week. He was working the early shift at work and left the house at 5:45a every morning this week. Early mornings meant early evenings. It was relaxing for me.... but not relaxing for David.
We are excited that this week is done. It means that we are one week closer to meeting our little bean and having two great weeks together as a family. Can't wait!

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