
Saturday, January 1, 2011

This Is The Year That We Become Parents

Happy New Year and welcome to 2011 everyone!

David and I are so excited about what this year will bring us. We are officially counting down the days, not weeks, until we meet out little bean. We are so close to being done!

The three of us had a fairly relaxed New Years Eve last night. We went to the Melting Pot for an incredible Fondue meal. They had a New Year special and each table was given champagne glasses, chocolates and a framed photo from the dinner. After dinner we came home and changed quickly to go to the fireworks. downtown. The fireworks were great and it was nice to be able to relax and do things at our own pace. It was one of the tamest New Years that we have had in years.

Here are a few photos of dinner and the countdown:


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