
Friday, December 31, 2010

36 Weeks

Week: 36
Weight Gained: 45 Pounds + 
Belly Button: I don't even know anymore...
Cravings: Hot Tamales, Milk, All food in general.... 
Sleep: I don't sleep anymore..... I nap at best.
Best Moment of the Week: Celebrating Christmas morning with my family in Lethbridge.
Worst Moment of the Week: Having my first real sleepless night before Baby E arrives.
Thoughts from Dad: "Christmas is over, New years is here, now we wait for your arrival.  I think your mom and I are both excited to see the person kicking her all the time and keeping her up all night."

We are in the home stretch now and we can't wait. We are so excited to meet our Baby E and we are starting to realize that this is going to happen soon. In the beginning of my pregnancy we were excited about all of the small milestones: hearing the heartbeat, seeing the baby for the first time, feeling movement. Now we are only excited about meeting the end of this pregnancy and our baby.

We have a fairly relaxed week planned and I am hoping to get some more sleep. I have big plans to clean out the entire condo and have everything spotless in the next couple of weeks. We are also going to pack a few items in a hospital bag this week..... that is a scary thought!


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