
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Baby E's Nursery

Since I am obviously overdue, I thought I would post about something other than when the baby will come or how anxious we are getting.

We have finally finished the nursery for Baby E! The majority of it has been done for a while but we had yet to complete all of the details. We went with a gender neutral owl theme and we LOVE it! The room is so calming and modern. Now all we need is a baby to live in it!

I want David to do a video tour of the room but for now, here are some of the photos I took last night:

Let us know what you think!



  1. LOVE IT!!! I love all the little owl's everywhere! You guys did an AMAZING job!

  2. Love the room, its sooo pretty. The blankets you made are lovely, I love the pattern. Your diaper bag is awesome, is it a petunia?

  3. I love your nursery!!! I love the Owl theme it's adorable.

  4. Thanks guys! I went a little bit Owl crazy.... The diaper bag is Petunia. We have a big one and David bought me the little clutch.

  5. Hi! New reader from the Jan. Mommas fb group. Very cute nursery. I LOVE the mobile!

  6. Thanks Ashley! It was a really fun home project. Glad to see that you are enoying the blog :)
