
Saturday, February 5, 2011

41 Weeks

Week: 41
Weight Gained: 50+ Pounds  
Belly Button: Popping out
Cravings: Cinnamon, Milk, Chocolate, Spicy Food, Slurpees
Sleep: My hips have been killing me during the night so it is tough to get a good sleep. I am having to roll over every hour or so and that is not easy with all of this extra weight.
Best Moment of the Week: David worked his last day for two weeks as of Friday. We now have two weeks to bond with our new baby.
Worst Moment of the Week: Going to my last OBGYN appointment on Monday. I was given my induction date and it was a really tough thing for me to deal with.
Thoughts from Dad: "I am thinking that this is not the last time you are going to get me out of work."
We are officially a week overdue. I am so massively uncomfortable that all I can think of is having this baby and getting on with life. David is getting super anxious about meeting Baby E and I can't blame him. The second we hit our due date he was ready.
We had our last OBGYN appointment on Monday and we have been scheduled for our induction. We are choosing to keep our induction date secret so that we don't have any added pressure of people waiting for the baby or calling us to see if the baby has arrived.
The countdown to induction is on and we cannot wait.

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