
Friday, February 25, 2011

Farts, Nights and Other Delights

Sydney is a great baby. We are super blessed to have such an amazing little kid. I have spent the last two weeks learning more about her and here are some of the fun things that I have noticed thus far:

- She is super observant. She is constantly checking out her surroundings and loves to listen to David and I talk to her.
- She loves to fart and poop when she eats. It makes for some pretty funny mother, daughter bonding time. The best part is how nonchalant she is about passing gas so loudly it would make a trucker blush.
- She will eat like a maniac and loves being burped sitting up. She will sit contently and check things out while I pat her on the back.
- She loves her fleece bear outfit. It is so warm and soft that she passes out as soon as we put it on her.
- She is most comfortable when she sleeps completely swaddled and on her side. I think it makes her feel as though she is being held. We roll up two blankets to keep her on her side and she will stay that way all night.
- She is a fantastic sleeper. She is awake for and hour and a half and then naps for an hour and a half during the day. She typically sleeps from 10p to 4 or 5a during the night. I will then feed and change her and she will go back down until 9a.
- She is starting to love baths. As long as the water is warm and she has a cloth covering her, she is happy.
- She loves her dad. She is so excited to see him when he comes home from work everyday. Once he is around, she will not settle down with me anymore.
- She has a full arsenal of adorable facial expressions. We love every one of them.

She is changing every day and we love learning about her. Our house is changing and adjusting and we are truly becoming a family.


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