
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Surviving 2 Weeks

We have made it to two weeks with our sweet Sydney.

Life is busy but amazing. We have been taking everything day by day and are enjoying every minute. David spent the last two weeks with Syd and I. We hung out as a family and learned to love each other even more. We also had to deal with my many health issues.

Three days after giving birth to Sydney, I developed an infection on my tailbone that turned into an abscess. I drove myself to the hospital in the middle of the night, only to be sent home with anti-biotics and no pain relief. I spent the rest of the week walking around in pain and struggling to sit to feed Sydney. On Friday afternoon David drove me to the hospital while my mom watched Syd. I was knocked out and they performed surgery to remove the infection. After one more trip back to the ER to have the packing removed and a few Tylenol 3's to help with the pain, it was done.

Over the last two weeks, I have also been dealing with itchiness of my PUPPP rash. It flared up even worse after delivery and it was a struggle to not itch my skin off. I am feeling much better now that I have dealt with my infection and I have a new prescription for steroid cream for the rash. I feel like I am now able to focus on my daughter.

This last Tuesday was my first day home alone with Sydney. David went back to work and the two of us were left to learn about each other a little bit more. We had our first scheduled paediatrician appointment on our first day alone and everything went well. I was able to shower while she napped and we survived our first trip out of the house with just the two of us. We have fallen into a bit of a routine and seem to be doing fine on our own.... but we both get excited to see David at the end of the day.

Sydney had an amazing doctor's appointment. She was dramatic as always. The second I got her clothes off for her to get weighed, she threw up all over me and then her umbilical cord fell off leaving me with blood on my shirt. On the plus side, she has gained 2oz bringing her to 10lbs. Her jaundice is also almost gone. She is VERY healthy and VERY strong and the doctor could not be happier.

We are looking forward to our first ladies morning out at Elerslie Baptist tomorrow morning. We will see how she does!


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