
Monday, February 7, 2011

Impatiently Waiting for Baby

Although we have not really talked about it much, we have officially begun the induction process.

This morning we walked in to the Grey Nuns Hospital for the first step in a potentially long process. We packed up last night in preparation for being admitted to the hospital. It was one of the most nerve racking experiences. We finished cleaning the house and loaded everything into the car.

Getting any sleep last night was almost impossible. Nerves and anxiety took over and it was really hard to relax. This morning we were up at 6:30a in order to have breakfast and a quick shower. We got dressed and were at the hospital at 7:45a.

After being admitted to the hospital we were given a private room. I changed and we got hooked up to the monitors for observation. Dr. McCubbin came in at around 8:30a and inserted a drug called Cervidil. After she left I had to stay in bed hooked up to the monitors for 2 hours to ensure that the baby was handling the medication. We settled in and David and I watched a couple of episodes of Planet Earth on the laptop while I was in and out of sleep.

Nothing was happening after 2 hours so they released us to go home and wait. We are now hanging out, watching bad daytime TV and waiting for something to happen. It is incredibly exciting and scary knowing that I could go into active labour at any moment.

But for now, I am sitting on the couch enjoying the slurpee that I just made David go out and get for me.