
Monday, February 28, 2011

Newborns Make New Parents Go Crazy

I am the first to admit that David and I have been very spoiled when it comes to our post-baby sleep patterns. We have been able to sleep large chunks of the night since Sydney was born and we know that it is sheer luck that she sleeps as well as she does. As much as we do get a lot of sleep, we are still exhausted. Poor David has been going to work half asleep and I have been napping when I can with Syd.

One of the more entertaining results of sleep deprivation has been David's sleep walking. He has always talked in his sleep and gotten up to do random things in the night, but we have reached a whole new level. Since Sydney's birth one of us will often wake up thinking that we we hear her or thinking that she is in bed with us. We have also woken up at random times and gone to get her from her bed thinking that it was time for her to eat.

Last night was the icing on the cake. While I was sleeping, David woke up, got dressed, washed his face and got half way through his breakfast before he realized that it was only 12:30a. When he admitted this to me this morning, I nearly peed my pants laughing. We have officially entered a new state of crazy in the Eliuk house.


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