
Monday, March 7, 2011

Fast Moving Days

Days spent with my little Sydney seem to go by so much faster! We wake up, feed, hang out, nap, feed and so on. We usually don't accomplish a lot.... but I don't really think it matters. The house is clean, the laundry is done and there is always food on the table.

Sydney requires a ton of my attention and I love every minute of it. We have spent hours and hours learning about each other and watching each others faces. She has begun paying attention to the words that I say and my facial expressions. Sometimes I feel like she would be entertained by watching me talk to her for hours.

For the longest time I never understood why stay at home moms were always so tired... now I get it. Even though I get a ton of sleep and I live in a home that is fairly easy to take care of with my supportive husband, I am still exhausted every day. I look forward to going to sleep every night and feel like I run out of hours in a day. I love going out to see friends, but dread the amount of work it requires.

I am hoping that once we get into a bit more of a routine and Syd starts napping in her crib during the day, that I will feel like I have more time. Only time will tell.


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