
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

One Week Old

This week has absolutely flown by. We have officially been parents for one week and we are loving every minute of it.

Our little girl has stolen our hearts already. Both of our families are already madly in love with her and we get so many comments on how beautiful she is. We could not be any luckier.

Her daddy is already completely sucked in. He does everything for her and they spend many hours cuddling and sleeping on the couch. I love listening to him talk to her while he is changing her diaper or outfit and doesn't know that I can hear him. It is so sweet and melts my heart every time.

This week has not come without challenges. Breastfeeding has not been easy. She gets frustrated with me and I sometimes get frustrated with her. We are coming around though and things are looking up. I have had several health issues including the continuation of my PUPPP rash, an abscess on my tailbone and the regular post-delivery issues. I have been extremely uncomfortable.

Sydney is an amazing, calm little girl. She sleeps through the majority of the night and has already put herself on a schedule. We are so lucky to have such an easy baby. We can only hope that it continues on this way.

We cannot wait to see how she will grow and change in the next few days or months.


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