
Monday, April 11, 2011

Sydney's First Flight

This last weekend was amazing. We took Sydney on her first flight to Vancouver to visit family and friends.

She did great on the flight out. She ate on the way up and played while we were in the air. Things got interesting as soon as the seat belt sign came on to land. As I was holding Sydney I felt my shirt getting warm.... she had a huge diaper blowout. We didn't have time to take her to the bathroom to change her so I stripped her out of her wet clothes, left her in the dirty diaper and wrapped her in a burp cloth until we landed. As soon as we touched down I changed her quickly and all was good.

We picked up our rental car and made our way to David's cousin's house. Brent and Cecilia live in Richmond with their little boy Lucas. We spent the night at their house on the sofa couch with Sydney in between us in a co-sleeper bed.

On Saturday morning we all had a great breakfast together and then made our way down to Steveson for lunch on the pier. I had a really good prawn burger but David stuck to basic beef. We then walked around with the kids for a while before David and I headed out to Mission to visit my Grandma and Grandpa. We had dinner with them and then made our way back to Richmond.

On Sunday morning we woke up and had breakfast together again. We played with the kids for a while and then packed everything in the car and said our good-byes and left to meet friends in Downtown Vancouver. David's race friend Caylee and her boyfriend Cam had their little girl Chlea two weeks after Sydney was born. We met them in Stanley park and went for a long walk in the rain to the Art Gallery cafe for lunch. The girls did great in the cafe and their Dads were so cute holding them.

After saying goodbye we made our way to the airport. Sydney decided to have a diaper blowout before the plane ride this time instead of on the plane. After David changed her, we boarded the plane only to find that Syd was one of six babies under two on our flight. They had managed to put all of the babies into three rows together... it was VERY loud. Sydney was amazing and ate and slept through then entire flight.

All in all it was an incredible weekend. We had a great time visiting and enjoyed every minute with our little girl. We wish that it could have been a longer trip but unfortunately all of David's vacation days are spoken for already.

Can't wait until our next vacation!


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