
Monday, April 25, 2011

Two Months... Two Weeks Late

Life has been insane lately. I have taken on the role of Race Director for a major kids Triathlon in the city and planning is already in full swing. It has taken over all of my free time and every other minute is spent with Sydney.... Thus the lack of posting.

As of April 9th we have a two month old.... how did that even happen??? She is such a character and makes us laugh so much. She is holding herself up and stands with our support. Her neck is solid now and she is altogether much sturdier.

Sydney is becoming super independent. She no longer wants to cuddle to sleep at night on Dave's chest. She insists on going down to bed on her own and puts herself to sleep. She is taking in so much more of her surroundings and has made friends with many of her toys. Smiles are a frequent thing in our home as are happy squeals, kicks and arm flails.

Sydney is out of many of her 0-3 month clothes and is now starting to move into 3-6 month outfits. She has started wearing headbands instead of hats due to the warm weather and is rocking a super awesome mullet, including bald spot from moving her head back and forth to check everything out.

We love, love, love her and hate, hate, hate how everything is happening so fast.

Can't wait for the next month!


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