
Monday, October 10, 2011

8 Months of Mayhem

Well, we officially have an 8 month old little girl.

Over the last few months, Sydney has been learning and growing at a rate that we didn't think was possible. She is army crawling and rolling around the house at an alarming speed. We have had no time baby proof anything and I truly think she is enjoying every minute that she has access to the books and DVDs on the shelves she can reach. I can't even tell you the number of times a day I put everything back in it's place.

She is bordering on twenty pounds and is fitting comfortably into her twelve months clothes. We have had to make several trips to "Once Upon a Child" to re-stock her dresser with bigger clothes and I think we are starting to run out of room for the smaller clothing! Yikes! The last few months have also seen the appearance of Syd's first tooth! The bottom, left, front tooth is about half way through already so we are just waiting for the others to catch up!

We are really looking forward to the coming months and all of the new things that we get to look forward to as a family.


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