
Monday, October 17, 2011

Calgary Chaos

We have just returned home from five packed days in Calgary. We left the city on Wednesday ready to do some volunteering and attend an AGM. David and I have spent the last year dedicating much of our time to the Alberta Triathlon Association Board of Directors. David was acting president and I was a member of the marketing and communications committee. It ate up a lot of our free time but it is something that we are truly passionate about.

~Getting ready for a Swim!~
We hit the road at around noon on Wednesday and we were in town in time to get over to Speed Theory for David's bike fitting. It was so interesting to see David hooked up to a bunch of sensors and a full computer system all to see his pedal stroke and efficiency. It is all about having the bike set up perfectly so that you can be the most efficient cyclist possible. Super cool stuff!

~Mommy, I'm trapped!~
We spent all of Thursday volunteering for the ATA casino. The money we will earn for volunteering will help float the ATA for almost two years. I took the day shift while Sydney and Daddy had a great day shopping and playing. When my shift was done we did a baby swap in the parking lot and David took over for the evening. It gave Syd and I time to hit up Chinook mall and get in some shopping before heading back to the hotel.

~Daddy and Sydney show Oilers support in front of the home of the Calgary Flames!~
On Friday we decided to take an impromptu trip to visit family in Lethbridge. We figured that we could not drive over half-way there without stopping by to say hi. It was great to surprise my grandma and spend some time with her and my dad. it was all cuddles and kisses for Sydney and she loved every minute of it.

~Toy Explosion!~

~Cuddles with Great Grandma~

~Cuddles with Grandpa~
Saturday was the big AGM. David had to run the entire day and he did a fantastic job! I am so beyond proud of him and what he was able to accomplish. He will be relinquishing the title of ATA president in order to focus on family for the next year. We knew that with the insane schedule we have to look forward next year, we would have to give up something. I will stay on the board but I have no idea how much time I will be able to dedicate to it.

So after three months of travelling like crazy we will finally be home for six glorious weeks in a row! It will hopefully give me an opportunity to get our house in order and start figuring out how to baby proof this place!


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