
Thursday, February 23, 2012

100 Things Item #32: 365 Pictures in One Year

One of the biggest items on our 100 items list is 365 pictures in one year. I know that this sounds super easy but let's be honest.... how often do you remember to take a photo of something that happens in your day? I forget all the time.

I knew that I wanted to have a good record of Sydney's second year. I took a million pictures of her first year with us and one of my biggest fears is that I will get lazy and miss capturing important moments. Here is the first installation of photos. I began on her 1st birthday:

~February 9, 2012 - Birthday!~

~ February 10, 2012 - Making out of kitchen tools ~

~ February 11, 2012 - Checking out a new toy at her birthday party ~

~ February 12, 2012 - Playing the drums at the Shandros ~

~ February 13, 2012 - PJ Day! ~

~ February 14, 2012 - Spending Valentine's Day learning how to open drawers ~

~ February 15, 2012 - Stacking boxes ~

~ February 16, 2012 - Loving her baby ~
I am hoping to get up to date on all of my photos tonight!

Mrs. E

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