
Saturday, February 25, 2012


This past week has been a little bit difficult for our little family.
After a six year battle with breast cancer, my aunt passed away last Friday. She was the mother of three boys and a great wife to my uncle. She was a loving, caring individual with an unimaginable amount of strength. She was a woman who always put others before herself. Even during her sickest days, she lever let on how bad she was feeling because she didn't want anyone to worry about her.

Over two years ago, after a double mastectomy, a hysterectomy and a long stretch of time cancer free, her cancer returned with a vengeance. At the time I was not working and had the honor of going down to their home in Lethbridge to help while she received treatment in Calgary. It made me feel like I was able to help. During those tough times, when a family member is sick, all you ever want to do is help.... the hardest part is when there is nothing you can do to make the situation any easier.

Last Monday, I received a call from my uncle. She had been moved into palliative care on February 2nd and was really not doing well. I spent the majority of last week on edge. Waiting for a phone call that I did not to come although I knew it was inevitable.

In the end, her death was bitter sweet. It was relief for her. Relief from the pain and the exhaustion and her disease. It was difficult for her husband and children and extended family and friends. I drove down to Lethbridge to be with my family on Saturday and flew home to work on Wednesday morning. It was great to see everyone... but under incredibly sad circumstances.

Cancer is difficult. It is an incredibly aggressive disease. It does not discriminate or choose favorites... is a killer. I hope that if you have someone in your family who has cancer, they get well soon or find peace with their situation.

Mrs. E

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