
Friday, April 13, 2012

An Early Spring Rain

There is something about waking up to the sound of rain on your window in the morning.

I am not talking about a thunderstorm or rain pouring down. I am talking about grey skies with a light constant drizzle. I love it. It makes me wish I could stay in bed all day with my family and watch old movies. I start to crave tea and hearty soup and all of those comforting warm foods. I start to break out the fuzzy socks and the over sized sweatshirts and I search the linen closets for the softest blankets in the house.

I love the rain.

Of course, none of this is actually happening because I am at work. But I do have a nice cup of Chai tea and my computer to keep me warm. And at the end of the day I will be able to cuddle up with my little girl and enjoy my evening.

Happy rain day everyone!

Mrs. E

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