
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Turkey Dinner Soup

My dad always seems to make far too much food when we have family dinners. Easter dinner was no different. When he told me that he was going to make a 27 pound turkey I started planning meals with the left over turkey.

I decided to put together a huge put of turkey soup and freeze some into individual portions for dad. It is a toss together kind of soup and there are no exact measurements for any of the ingredients.

Recipe ~
~ Bones from turkey
~ Water
~ Turkey meat
~ Carrots
~ Celery
~ Onion
~ Rice
~ Seasoning to taste

How to:
~ Boil the bones from the turkey in enough water to cover about half of the carcass (I know.... gross term)
~ Add spices and allow to simmer for several hours
~ Remove bones
~ Add turkey meat and vegetables
~ Simmer on low for two hours
~ Add rice and simmer for 5 minutes
~ Take off of heat and serve immediately or separate and freeze

Mrs. E

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