
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Toddler Communication

We are getting to the point in our parenting journey where parents and children begin to get frustrated with each other. It is the age where they know what they want but cannot express it. Parents don't know how to make it easier on them and both parties end up frustrated in the end.

We have decided that we would try to alleviate some of this frustration by teaching Sydney baby sign language. So far she only know a few:
~ Milk
~ All Done
~ More
~ Food

It isn't much but it has made life a whole lot easier. She signs for her milk instead of yelling at me and always tells us when she is done with something.

Her vocabulary has also been expanding at an incredible rate. We have been making every effort to teach her new words on a regular basis. I run through her words with her whenever I have a spare moment and we often point to items and name them for her. So far she says:
~ Mom (Mum Mum)
~ Dad (Dad Dad)
~ Baby (Baba)
~ Bubble (Bubbo)
~ Poop
~ Blue (Boo)
~ Moo
~ Banana (Nana)

She will point to the Banana and say "nana?" or point to the bubble gun and say "bubbo?" She also nods her head yes or no in response to questions. When I ask her if she is tired she will either rub her eyes or shake her head no. Slowly but surely we are getting there!

Mrs. E

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